Municipal Building, 60 Margaret King Ave., Ringwood, NJ 07456 | (973) 962-7037

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Office of Emergency Management

The Borough of Ringwood Office of Emergency Management is a stand alone component of the Municipal government.  The office works closely with Federal, State, County and local agencies to assure the coordination of large scale events.  It plans for, coordinates and directs operations at large scale civil emergencies that usually require the coordinated efforts of multiple components of municipal government, outside agencies and local volunteer groups.

During planning activities, emergency response and recovery of the office is comprised of a Coordinator, assisted by two (2) Deputy Coordinators, a Public Information Officer, a Secretary and numerous volunteers, including the Local Emergency Planning Council.

Listed below are sites that residents can go to for further information on being prepared in case of an emergency:

Other related sites:

Additional Links


Contact Information

Ringwood Police Department
60 Margaret King Ave
Ringwood, NJ 07456
(973) 962-7017

Ringwood Road Information Line
(973) 962-1212