Municipal Building, 60 Margaret King Ave., Ringwood, NJ 07456 | (973) 962-7037

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Guidelines for Processing Firearms Applications:




(Firearms Application Registration System)

STEP 1: Visit this website:

STEP 2: Insert Ringwood Police Department’s ORI# NJ0161100

You will NOT be able to complete the online application without the proper ORI#

STEP 3: Complete the online application. You may complete the application using a smartphone, mobile device, laptop, or desktop computer. When completing the application, you will need the email addresses of two reputable references. Your references may be family members.

The online application is applicant driven. Please ensure that you have entered the best phone numbers and email addresses for yourself and references.

Please advise your references that the FARS system will email them the reference questionnaire to be answered. Your references can complete the questions using a smartphone, mobile device, laptop, or desktop computer.  Also, please advise them to complete the questionnaire immediately so that your background investigation progresses without delay.

You will be receiving automated email updates throughout this process.

Once your application is complete, a station representative will contact you to retrieve your FID card and/or Pistol Purchase Permit documents.

Payment will be made at the time of pick-up. Payment can be made by cash (exact change).

Effective 12/22/2022 the fee for Firearms ID Card = $50.00 Permit to Purchase = $25.00 ea.

PLEASE NOTE:  If you are unsure if an arrest resulted in a conviction, be sure to list ANY and ALL prior arrests.  Falsification of the application is a crime of the third degree as provided in NJS 2C:39-10C.


For residents of Ringwood wishing to submit an application for a Permit to Carry a handgun in New Jersey, follow the below instructions.

Ringwood Police Department ORI # NJ0161100

The State has now created a portal where Permit to Carry a Handgun applications can be submitted online. Applicants will no longer need to complete and drop off a paper copy of their applications.

What will I need for submitting an Initial Concealed Carry Permit application?

  • SBI Number (Obtained from your Firearms Identification Card)
  • Upload of recent photograph (on a light background including head and shoulders)
  • One (1) training record completed within the past two (2) years, instructor name, and qualification date
  • Personal Information: including Social Security Number and Driver's License Number
  • Background Information
  • For Armored Car Applicants: Uploaded Employment Letter
  • Contact Information for four (4) non-family related references
  • Information on handguns to be carried
  • $200 Application Fee ($50 paid through the portal/$150 Paid to the Borough of Ringwood)

What will I need for submitting a renewal Concealed Carry Permit application?

  • SBI Number, Last Name and Date of Birth for validation
  • One (1) training record completed within past two (2) years, instructor name, and qualification date
  • Any updates to Personal Information
  • Upload of recent photograph (on a light background including head and shoulders)
  • Background Information
  • Any updates to Handgun Information
  • $200 Application Fee ($50 paid through the portal/$150 money order paid to The Borough of Ringwood)

Mayors and members of their governing body must apply for a Permit to Carry a Handgun with the New Jersey State Police.

Much of the basic requirements are the same, and the NJSP website has instructions on how to complete the application process through the portal, but please be advised of the following changes.

  • All documents will be uploaded directly through the portal. This includes your photograph, Mental Health release, reference list, and your training/qualification record along with the firearm instructor’s certification. You will not be dropping off your application at Police Headquarters.
  • Applicants will no longer need to be fingerprinted, as long as they have previously been fingerprinted for firearms in New Jersey. Applicants will be directed to complete a 212a form through the portal, similar to when applying for additional purchase permits after initially being fingerprinted. If you have never been fingerprinted for firearms in New Jersey, you must be fingerprinted for your application to be processed, which can be done when applying for your Firearms Identification Card. The NJSP highly suggests all Concealed Carry holders have a Firearms Identification Card.
  • The $200.00 charge remains, however, the initial $50 to the NJSP Fiscal Control Bureau will be paid via credit card through the portal. The remaining $150.00 will be paid to the Borough of Ringwood in the form of a Money Order or Certified Bank Check.
  • Investigators are required to speak with PTC applicants before completing their application. So, if available, contact a firearms investigator to schedule the drop-off of your payment so they can speak with you at the same time. If you or an Investigator is not available at the time, they will reach out to you after your application is received through the portal.
  • You are only permitted to carry a handgun that you lawfully own and is legal in New Jersey, inclusive of magazine capacity. There is a form within the portal where applicants can list all the handguns they intend to carry. You do not need to qualify with all of them.
  • The previously mandated liability insurance that was supposed to take effect in July was struck down, with no signs of it returning anytime soon. 

To find out where you can complete the qualifications, reach out to a local firearms range, license gun dealer, or NRA Instructor if you know one. Additional information can be found on the NJSP website.

The PTC application process and accompanying regulations seem to be continuously evolving. We are doing our best to get the most up-to-date and accurate information out as we receive it. Should you have any questions concerning a Permit to Carry application, please feel free to reach out to a firearms investigator.

Permit to Carry / Firearms Investigators for the Ringwood Police:


Additional Links



Contact Information

Ringwood Police Department
60 Margaret King Ave
Ringwood, NJ 07456
(973) 962-7017

Ringwood Road Information Line
(973) 962-1212

Emergency Dial 9-1-1



Important Information: