Municipal Building, 60 Margaret King Ave., Ringwood, NJ 07456 | (973) 962-7037

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Code of Ordinances

Ringwood Borough Code is now available on the internet. Borough residents have unlimited electronic access to the codified Borough ordinances. This code can be accessed by going to


Viewing Requirements - Two formats are offered - Java or HTML. Java format is preferred for machines that are Java enabled. HTML format is offered for all other browsers.

Getting Started

Open Folders in the left frame. Click on the (+) sign to view the Table of Contents and open chapters and sections.

Locate text and click desired titles in the the left frame. The corresponding text will appear in the right frame. Full chapters open from the table of contents. This allows for scrolling through the complete chapter for full readability.

View options are available to choose all frames, document text only, hit list or table of contents.

Explorer toolbar items are functional. Hint: On the Internet Explorer toolbar, under VIEW, choose the standard buttons toolbar to use the browser back and forward "arrow" buttons.

A Quill icon indicates an attached document, diagram or map. Click on the icon to open the file. These files are attached as Tiff files. Download a free Tiff reader at if needed.

Search and Expert Search

The Search tool in the top frame offers a basic word search. Use Expert search to search specific chapters and exact words and phrases. In the table of contents frame, select chapters to ve searched by putting a check mark in the box. Insert words and parameters.

Other Features

Copy Text: All text can be selected and copied to any word processing file.

Print Text: All text can be printed.