Finance Department
The Finance and Tax Collection offices are open Monday through Friday from 8:30am - 4:30pm, excluding holidays. Drop box is available outside main entrance of Borough Hall for your convenience 24 hours a day.
CLICK HERE for Important Senior Tax Relief Information
The Borough of Ringwood has four major financial responsibilities:
- To secure and disburse funds for the operation of the Borough
- To secure funds for the operation of local public schools
- To perform the same function for the regional high school district
- To secure funds for Ringwood's share of county expenses. (The amount is determined by Passaic County, based on equalized assessment values in its municipalities).
The Finance Department is responsible for all financial transactions relating to the revenues and disbursements of the Borough as well as assisting the preparation of the municipal budget. This department keeps a full account of all cash receipts and disbursements of the Borough, has custody of all investments and invested funds of the Borough in a fiduciary capacity, keeps all monies not required for current operations safely invested or deposited in interest bearing accounts, handles the payroll for municipal employees, processes requistions and purchase orders for payment and collects current and delinquent taxes.
The New Jersey Division of Local Finance has general regulatory powers over the municipal finances. It has the power to supervise the preparation of the budget to ensure that Ringwood appropriates funds properly for the payment of debt obligation, to review audit reports, and to require the filing of financial statements. State law specifies the form and content of the municipal budget.

Contact Information
Debbie Buchanan, CFO, Tax Collector, Treasurer
Terri Jenkins, Accounts Payable
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