Municipal Building, 60 Margaret King Ave., Ringwood, NJ 07456 | (973) 962-7037
Tree Removal- Ask Before You Ax
Decks - Start to Finish
Pools and Hot Tubs - Start to Finish
Do I Need a Permit For a Shed?
Do I Need a Permit to Install or Repair a Fence?
How Do I Get a Copy of My Survey?
Can I Keep Chickens on My Property?
What's the Best Time to Talk to an Inspector?
My Neighbor's Tree...
I'm Having a Boundary Dispute with a Neighbor
"Hey, can they do that?"- Property Maintenance Code
Buying or Selling a Home?
How Do I Get Electrical Service Restored?
What Are the Requirements for a Fire Pit or Outdoor Fireplace?
Do I Need a Permit to Install an Electric Vehicle Charger?
Smart Home Technology: Doorbells, Thermostats, Alarms, etc.
Do I Need a Permit to Install Low Voltage Lighting?
What are theRequirements for Repairing or Building a New Dock?
Can I Place a Pod or Dumpster in My Driveway?
Hiring a Contractor?