Borough Clerk
The Ringwood Borough Municipal Clerk and support staff serve as liaison between the governing officials and taxpayers.
What We Do
Secretary of the Governing Body
- Prepare meeting agenda at the discretion of the Governing Body, be present at all meetings of the Governing Body
- Keep an official record of the proceedings of every meeting, retain the original copies of all minutes, ordinances and resolutions
- Process, record, file and when necessary, advertise ordinances, resolutions and municipal budget
- Handles municipal correspondence
- Administers and records Oaths of Office
- Maintains custody of all official records that are not specifically handled by other departments
- Acts as a liaison to the public and correspondent on behalf of the Governing Body
Secretary to the Municipal Corporation
- Custodian of Municipal Seal
- Maintain custody of all minutes, books, deeds, bonds, contracts and archival records of the municipal corporation
- Maintain receipt of service of legal documents
Chief Administrative Officer of All Elections (held in municipality)
- Certifies vacancies existing on the local level
- Maintains receipt of nominating petitions and certification to the County Clerk of local candidates nominated by petition
- Exercises quasi-judicial authority in determining the validity of petitions
- Furnishes material for local elections
- Suggests polling places to Board of Elections
- Maintains receipt of election results
- Certifies to County Clerk persons elected to partisan County Committee offices in each election district
- Tallies the votes and certifies election results for local School Board election, Primary and General Elections
Chief Registrar of Voters
- Registers voters
- Polling districts
Administrative Officer
- Issues licenses (ABC liquor, bingo, raffles, peddlers, limousine, amusement games etc.)
- Handles resident inquiries
- Serve as information officer to the public and to the media
- Purchases supplies and equipment when required
- Directs correspondence and inquiries to various departments for action
- Conducts business with other municipal departments as needed and as directed by Governing Body
Records Coordinator
- Responsible for implementing local archives and records retention programs as mandated by law
- Custodian of Government Records
- Provide copies of Ordinances / Resolutions and other information as requested by public under OPRA Request for Open Public Records Application
Other Services include, but not limited to
- Coordinate Special Projects
- Public inquiries
- Landlord Rental Registration
- Provide street/zoning maps
For information on any of these services, or any questions you may have regarding our Borough, please call the Municipal Clerk’s office at (973) 475-7100.


Contact Us
Municipal Clerk
Nicole Langenmayr, RMC
Keyboarding Clerk
Stacy Imbasciani
Additional Links

Listing files in 'Clerk Documents'
